Homeschool Information

A parent who teaches homeschool is required to file either a Full Report or a Letter of Intent to Continue Homeschooling. Families should verify their reporting requirements by visiting the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) website: MDE - Homeschool Information.

In accordance with state law, Hastings Public Schools is required to ensure that all school-age children living within the district’s boundaries are being educated. The district’s primary role is to be certain that families choosing to homeschool are in compliance. Certain information is required to be reported annually to the school district in which you reside. You may use the suggested forms that are available on the MDE website or a written or electronic format of your choosing. This reporting requirement is due to your resident district by October 1.

Parents are also required to report to their resident school district:

  • Within 15 days of withdrawing a child from public school to homeschool; and/or

  • Within 15 days of moving into a new school district.

Homeschool families have the opportunity to apply for limited educational aid. To be eligible for reimbursement, the 2024-25 Student Report for Aids to Nonpublic Students form must be completed and turned in to the Hastings Public Schools by October 1. No late forms will be accepted. For those applying for aid, all invoices and proof of payment are due to Cindy Westlund by May 10, 2025.

Authorized rates of entitlement per eligible pupil for 2024-25 are listed below.  Please note that these rates may be readjusted on or about October 15 when the actual appropriation and program participation figures are known.

  • Textbooks/standardized tests/individualized instructional materials = $120.97

  • Pupil Health Services = $81.07

  • Secondary Pupil Guidance & Counseling Services = $339.53

A letter will be sent to you in January/February to let you know the total allocation per student.

Additional Resources for Homeschool Families:


Becky Garcia Carrasco - General Questions
Cindy Westlund - Reimbursement Questions

Homeschool paperwork should be mailed to:

Hastings Public Schools
Attn: Becky Garcia Carrasco
1000 West 11th Street
Hastings, MN 55033

Invoices and proof of payment should be mailed to:

Hastings Public Schools
Attn: Cindy Westlund
1000 West 11th Street
Hastings, MN 55033